What Extreme Living Strategies Will Do For You

*Relieves you of your emotional pain

*Dis-Solves all your life problems

*Gives more meaning to your life

*Providess a path to happiness and peace

*Helps you gain mastery over your life.

*Helps you create the future you want

*Supports you in awakening to the truth of who you are — living with spiritual awareness and conscious intention

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

How Could You Possibly Heal What You Don't Feel?

if you are not willing to open up to the full range of your feelings. The goal is to allow yourself to feel all your feelings no matter what they are. Here’s a good 4-point rule that will help you become more in touch with your feelings.
1. Recognize the Feeling
See if you can put a name to what it is you are feeling. Ask yourself this simple question: “Am I mad, sad, glad or afraid?” At least that will put you in the ball park of what you might be feeling.
2. Accept the Feeling
Be OK with the feeling and love yourself for having it. Do not judge it, especially if you would normally think of it as being ‘bad’ or negative. Again, there is no such thing as a negative feeling. It just is.
3. Delay the Expression of It
If it is anger or something of that nature, and if you were to express it in the moment would cause problems, delay expressing it until it is safe to do so. But don’t use this as an excuse for not ever expressing it.
4. Express the Feeling
Find a way to let the feelings come out through speaking it out, crying, shouting, beating cushions or whatever way you can that is safe. You might need someone who can support you in doing this.

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