What Extreme Living Strategies Will Do For You

*Relieves you of your emotional pain

*Dis-Solves all your life problems

*Gives more meaning to your life

*Providess a path to happiness and peace

*Helps you gain mastery over your life.

*Helps you create the future you want

*Supports you in awakening to the truth of who you are — living with spiritual awareness and conscious intention

Monday, September 9, 2013

How to Let Go Through Love

Just imagine how motivating it would be, if you were to receive confirmation from 100 years in the future that your present efforts, however insignificant some may have appeared to be, have helped change our planet for the better?  

People who are working for the greater good often end up feeling defeated and disillusioned because they cannot see instant results from their efforts. Many start out feeling eager and inspired, wanting to make a meaningful difference, however, when nothing outwardly seems to be changing, they start to think that they aren't making any headway after all and simply give up. 

When it comes to large goals that take many years to complete, we cannot allow an apparent lack of results to stop us, especially when what we have started, has a long term goal, spanning many years. There is simply too much at stake and the consequences are way too high.

Feelings of disillusionment however, can be overcome by acting from a sense of love and also a sincere desire to make a difference, and then just letting go. What I am saying, is that "letting go", is really a means of expressing your trust in that positive difference which your positive actions and thoughts have made, even if you can't see it yet.  

Some of these changes may not be obvious for hundreds of years. We need to trust that one day, they will become obvious, and then, simply remain focused on taking those steps now, that feel right to you, rather than expecting immediate miracles. Just as the Butterfly theory, shows that even the most insignificant or mundane actions can have a huge impact further down the line. Everything you do therefore, will make a difference, you need to simply hold on to those inner expectations. 

Seeing your actions as laying an important foundation upon which growth and progress can happen later, will allow you to see your actions as a labor of love that makes you feel good about doing what you can. 

Friday, April 12, 2013

Forgiveness: Letting go of grudges and bitterness

When someone you care about hurts you, you can hold on to anger, resentment and thoughts of revenge — or embrace forgiveness and move forward.

By Mayo Clinic staff
Nearly everyone has been hurt by the actions or words of another. Perhaps your mother criticized your parenting skills, your colleague sabotaged a project or your partner had an affair. These wounds can leave you with lasting feelings of anger, bitterness or even vengeance — but if you don't practice forgiveness, you might be the one who pays most dearly. By embracing forgiveness, you can also embrace peace, hope, gratitude and joy. Consider how forgiveness can lead you down the path of physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.

What is forgiveness? Read on...

Forgive for Good Workshop

The workshop is led by Dr. Frederic Luskin, director of the Stanford Forgiveness Project and author of Forgive for Good, published by Harper Collins. To register for the class please call (650) 498-5566.
The importance of practicing forgiveness has been extolled for centuries, but only recently has research demonstrated that forgiveness can reduce anger and depression as well as enhance hopefulness and self-efficacy.
This workshop series has four sessions of lecture and discussion interspersed with guided practice of forgiveness tools. The format is not intended as group therapy; but rather to teach self-care skills to heal old wounds and prevent new ones.
Workshop participants who complete the series will be... Read on...

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Review The Master Key System Quote

You can not entertain weak, harmful, negative thoughts ten hours a day and expect to bring about beautiful, strong and harmonious conditions by ten minutes of strong, positive, creative thought
Charles Haanel

Extreme Forgiveness Medicine : How Could You Possibly Heal What You Don't Feel?

Extreme Forgiveness Medicine : How Could You Possibly Heal What You Don't Feel?: From: http://www.colintipping.com/blog/ if you are not willing to open up to the full range of your feelings. The goal is to allow yours...

How Could You Possibly Heal What You Don't Feel?

if you are not willing to open up to the full range of your feelings. The goal is to allow yourself to feel all your feelings no matter what they are. Here’s a good 4-point rule that will help you become more in touch with your feelings.
1. Recognize the Feeling
See if you can put a name to what it is you are feeling. Ask yourself this simple question: “Am I mad, sad, glad or afraid?” At least that will put you in the ball park of what you might be feeling.
2. Accept the Feeling
Be OK with the feeling and love yourself for having it. Do not judge it, especially if you would normally think of it as being ‘bad’ or negative. Again, there is no such thing as a negative feeling. It just is.
3. Delay the Expression of It
If it is anger or something of that nature, and if you were to express it in the moment would cause problems, delay expressing it until it is safe to do so. But don’t use this as an excuse for not ever expressing it.
4. Express the Feeling
Find a way to let the feelings come out through speaking it out, crying, shouting, beating cushions or whatever way you can that is safe. You might need someone who can support you in doing this.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013



WARNING: (First listen with your eyes closed)

to the sound track of this video, from start to finish, taking note of your imaginary visuals. 

Next watch it and compare.

Ronna Prince, the producer of this beautiful movie, came to a Radical Forgiveness workshop I was doing at Kripalu Center in Massachusets in 2010.  She was new to Radical Forgiveness at that  time but through it found the way to heal her childhood sexual abuse that had dogged her all her life.  This film is about  her healing journey but offers so much more that is profound and inspiring. 

What Drastic Living Strategies Will Do For You
  • Relieve you of your emotional pain
  • Dis-Solve all your life problems
  • Give more meaning to your life
  • Provide a path to happiness and peace
  • Help you gain mastery over your life.
  • Help you create the future you want
  • Support you in awakening to the truth of who you are — living with spiritual awareness and conscious intention
Times are changing quickly. Consciousness is evolving fast.
Ride the wave with us by becoming part of, and participating in, the creation of a new paradigm.
Work first on healing yourself, raising your own vibration and coming into your own power using these Radical Living Strategies.

Is Cancer Caused By Your Suppressed Emotions?

Some psychotherapists, have the idea that people who have been sexually abused in childhood, bury these traumatic events so deeply in their subconscious that memories of what occurred by a series of intense therapy sessions.

Is It The Suppressed Memory Of It?

People who thought they had had a happy, or perhaps at least unexceptional childhood, have been urged to recover the most painful memories of abuse. Not surprisingly, this has been a most controversial issue.

The problem about these subconscious urges, is that they are unconscious. Who is to say to what degree they are present, or to what extent they are responsible a person's emotional and physical well-being?

Why Bother With Emotions:

Our thinking controls our emotions, behavior and actions. Emotions affect our physical bodies as much as our bodies affect our feelings and thinking. People who dismiss, repress, ignore or just don't vent their emotions, actually set themselves up for serious physical illness.

Emotions that are not acknowledged and released but are buried within the body are the cause of various illnesses, including cancer, arthritis,liver disease and many other types of chronic illness. Negative emotions like fear, anxiety, negativity, frustration and depression cause chemical reactions in our bodies that are vastly different from the chemicals released when we feel positive emotions such as happiness, contentment, love and acceptance.

German cancer surgeon Dr. Ryke-Geerd Hamer who had examined thousands of cancer patients with all types of cancer, had noticed that all these patients seemed to have one significant thing in common: there had been some kind of psycho-emotional conflict prior to the onset of their cancer – often a few years before - a conflict that had never been fully resolved.

Dr. Hamer included psychotherapy as a key component of the healing process and found that when the specific conflict was finally resolved, the cancer immediately stopped growing at a cellular level. He believes that cancer-prone individuals are unable to adequately share their thoughts, emotions, fears and joys with other people and calls this "psycho-emotional isolation".

These people tend to hide their sadness and grief behind a brave face, appear pleasant, and avoid any form of open conflict. According to Dr. Hamer, some people are not even aware of their emotions, and are therefore not only isolated from other people, but also from themselves.

"Chronic unforgiveness causes stress. Every time people think of their transgressor, their body responds severely. Decreasing your unforgiveness cuts down your health risk. Now, if you can forgive, that actually starts to strengthen your immune system". [Dr. Everett Worthington, Jr., Psychology Professor, Virginia Commonwealth University]
 "The program's preliminary work suggests that forgiveness lowered the stress hormone cortisol that in turn affects the immune system, but only when the patients forgave the ones they blamed".

[University of Maryland - Institute of Human Virology]
"Forgiveness could boost the immune system by reducing the production of the stress hormone cortisol" [Endocrinologist Dr. Bruce McEwen, Rockefeller University - New York]

"When you hold onto the bitterness for years, it stops you from living your life fully. As it turns out, it wears out your immune system and hurts your heart" [Stanford University Center for Research in Disease Prevention]

Research Links Cancer With Repressed, Unresolved Emotions

A group of researchers at Stanford University in California recently found that women who repressed their emotions were more likely to show disruptions in the normal balance of the stress hormone, cortisol, compared with those who did not. Several studies have shown that the unbalanced cortisol fluctuations can actually predict early death in women with breast cancer that has spread to other areas of the body.

"People who have repressive styles are more prone to illness, particularly [immune-system related] diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, liver disease, infections, and cancers. The concept is of unexpressed anger. If one doesn't let it out, that could have adverse consequences." [Dr. George Solomon, professor of psychiatry and biobehavioral sciences at University of California Los Angeles]

"Extreme suppression of anger was the most commonly identified characteristic of 160 breast cancer patients who were given a detailed psychological interview and self-administered questionnaire. Repressing anger magnified exposure to physiological stress, thereby increasing the risk of cancer" [Journal of Psychosomatic Research]

"Extremely low anger scores have been noted in numerous studies of patients with cancer. Such low scores suggest suppression, repression, or restraint of anger. There is evidence to show that suppressed anger can be a precursor to the development of cancer, and also a factor in its progression after diagnosis." [Cancer Nursing - International Journal]

"When you hold onto the bitterness for years, it stops you from living your life fully. As it turns out, it wears out your immune system and hurts your heart" [Stanford University Center for Research in Disease Prevention]
"Those who received forgiveness training showed improvements in the blood flow to their hearts" [University of Wisconsin - Research Dept.]

So, how do we set the healing process in motion?

These videos are dedicated to just that issue, In my following posts I will offer further functional information which you can readily apply in your own life directly.








Monday, April 8, 2013

Hello and Welcome.  I’m Andre Hartslief.   
I’m delighted you’re visiting my website.  It tells me that you are very likely a person who is awake spiritually – or at least ready to awaken.  And, like a lot of people you’ve doubtless had a lot of emotional challenges to deal with along the way  —  relationship issues, career problems, family feuds, and all sorts of dramas in which things like betrayal, abandonment, abuse, and disrespect showed up. And I bet at least one of them has become a repeating pattern in your life, right?
Pain and suffering:  It seems to be part of the deal, doesn’t it? Maybe so,  but now you’re looking for a new way to move ahead, leaving your victim stories behind and aiming to live on a higher vibration; happier and more liberated. 
Believe me, I’m rooting for you – wanting this to happen for you just as much as you do, and I think I’ve created a way for it to occur.  
But, there’s a lot more than just tea on the Corner Cafe’s menu to get you coming back, time and time again. First of all, you’ll find in the cafĂ© the full range of time tested tools that our existing members have had exclusive use of up to now. You’ll see all those listed below. 
 , a cuppa tea will give a you lift and make you feel good for a while,  but it won’t do much for your pain and suffering or solve your problems will it?
 The more people we have, like you, coming together in community, the bigger our contribution will be towards shifting the consciousness of the planet in the direction of Oneness.  Isn’t that what we all want?
But the truth is, in this moment, it’s all about you, and I’m rooting for you.  It has to work for you first.  You must get what you need.  As you heal, grow and learn to be all that you can be, then and only then, will your energy radiate out to the rest of the world.  
So, I’d love to have you join our online community – stopping by often.
Please watch this video trailer which will show you more of what I am on about.