What Extreme Living Strategies Will Do For You

*Relieves you of your emotional pain

*Dis-Solves all your life problems

*Gives more meaning to your life

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*Helps you gain mastery over your life.

*Helps you create the future you want

*Supports you in awakening to the truth of who you are — living with spiritual awareness and conscious intention

Monday, September 9, 2013

How to Let Go Through Love

Just imagine how motivating it would be, if you were to receive confirmation from 100 years in the future that your present efforts, however insignificant some may have appeared to be, have helped change our planet for the better?  

People who are working for the greater good often end up feeling defeated and disillusioned because they cannot see instant results from their efforts. Many start out feeling eager and inspired, wanting to make a meaningful difference, however, when nothing outwardly seems to be changing, they start to think that they aren't making any headway after all and simply give up. 

When it comes to large goals that take many years to complete, we cannot allow an apparent lack of results to stop us, especially when what we have started, has a long term goal, spanning many years. There is simply too much at stake and the consequences are way too high.

Feelings of disillusionment however, can be overcome by acting from a sense of love and also a sincere desire to make a difference, and then just letting go. What I am saying, is that "letting go", is really a means of expressing your trust in that positive difference which your positive actions and thoughts have made, even if you can't see it yet.  

Some of these changes may not be obvious for hundreds of years. We need to trust that one day, they will become obvious, and then, simply remain focused on taking those steps now, that feel right to you, rather than expecting immediate miracles. Just as the Butterfly theory, shows that even the most insignificant or mundane actions can have a huge impact further down the line. Everything you do therefore, will make a difference, you need to simply hold on to those inner expectations. 

Seeing your actions as laying an important foundation upon which growth and progress can happen later, will allow you to see your actions as a labor of love that makes you feel good about doing what you can. 

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